I am a avid gardener and in my free time you’ll find me working in my garden. Being outside, surrounded by butterflies and the sweet smell of flowering plants and growing my own vegetables brings me so much joy. I have always considered my garden a safe space, one where I did not have to worry about peanuts or the risk of an allergic reaction from exposure to peanuts. But, I have learned that this not always the case. Gardening soil and gardening products often contain peanuts and peanut by-products such as peanut shells and husks.
The other day I came across a post online from someone with a peanut allergy who had used Schultz brand potting soil in their own garden and then had an allergic reaction. They realized after the reaction that the soil they had used contained Peanuts. When I came across this information I was extremely surprised, I had not thought about peanuts being an ingredient in soil or gardening products.
I did a quick search and found that not only are peanuts a common ingredient in potting soil and many gardening products but, because soil is not a food it does not fall under USA Food & Drug Administration labeling laws, so the full ingredients, allergens or otherwise, do not really need to be disclosed. On the post I saw about Schultz soil they said that the bag did state that peanut shells/husks were present in the potting soil, but I can understand that you are not thinking about potting soil being a potential place for peanuts so one might not read the package, or just glance at it quickly and overlook this.
After learning that peanuts are commonly found in many gardening products, from soil to sprays, I began to reach out to gardening companies to discover which brands are safe for me to use, free from peanuts and peanut by-products. For some brands the information was on their website, and for others I reached out and emailed the following:
I am wondering if any of your products contain Peanuts/Peanut shells? I have a serious peanut allergy and I cannot use, or be around, anything where there are peanuts, or any risk of cross contamination from peanuts. Before I buy your products I would like to know if they are free of peanuts. I am asking because I have found many gardening products (soil, fertilizer etc) have peanuts and I never would’ve imagined this.
Here is what I discovered:
Dear Elizabeth
No, our products do not contain peanuts, peanut shells, or peanut oil.
BioAdvanced Consumer Affairs Team
I have added BioAdvanced to my No Peanuts List.
Burpee Garden Soils:
Burpee called me and explained that some of their soil related products are made by IMC Outdoor Living. I spoke with a very nice representative from IMC Outdoor living who let me know that they do not process anything with peanuts or tree nuts, but the do use coconut coir. I have confirmed that the following products with the Burpee label are all free of peanuts and tree nuts (aside from coconut): Potting Mix, Seed Starting Mix, Bagged Coir Bricks, Raised Garden and Container Mix.
I have added Burpee Garden Soils to my No Peanuts List.
Hello Elizabeth,
I am responding to confirm that our fertilizer products are packaged in peanut-free facilities.
I have added Earth Science to my No Peanuts List.
I did not reach out to EcoLogic because I saw at the store that their, Lawn & Yard Insect Killer Granular2 contains peanut shells, this is on the product's label. I will not use their products because of this. I have added EcoLogic to my Not OK Peanuts in Facility List.
Hi, Elizabeth,
Thank you for your mail.
There are no nut ingredients in any of our liquid or granular fertilizers nor are any nut products processed in our facility.
As for our soils, there are no nut ingredients, but we cannot guarantee there were no nut ingredients in the facility where they were made.
Because Espoma does no use any nut ingredients I am adding them to my No Peanuts List. If this was a food product I would not because they cannot confirm that the facility is peanut free. In this case however I feel safe using their fertilizers and soils.
G&B Organics Gardener & Bloome/Kellogg Garden Products-
On their website:"Our garden soils do not contain any nut-bearing wood fines. However, we cannot be assured that some of our vendors may not have had some nut-bearing remnants mixed with other materials delivered to our facilities. For this reason, we advise individuals who are at risk, not to use our products."
I do not feel comfortable using their soil/products since they clearly state that they advice to not use their products. I have added G&B Organics and Kellogg Garden Products to my Not OK Peanuts in Facility List.
Hi Elizabeth, Thank you for your great question. I will look into this at the bagging facilities and see if they have any peanut processing clients. We do not have shells or hulls, etc. in our products. I'll get back to you as soon as I hear back from them. Thanks Elizabeth! Malibu Compost Team Member
Hi Elizabeth,
Our baggers are a non-peanut facility business so you are in the clear there too! Thank you Elizabeth for your questions and for what you are doing. We are happy to be added to your new website as well. Thanks again Elizabeth.
Malibu Compost Team Member
I have added Malibu Compost to my No Peanuts List.
We do not use anything peanut related in any of our products, but users should always expect that fertilizer ingredients like bat guano and even soybean inputs can cause irritation if handled without protective equipment.
I have added Mother Earth to my No Peanuts List.
I did not reach out to Schultz because Schultz is the brand that I saw a post about their potting soil containing peanuts and causing an allergic reaction. I will not purchase any their products. I have added Schultz to my Not OK Peanuts in Facility List.
"The Potting Mix is formulated regionally using various materials that may include peanut or tree nut by-products.”
I know that Scotts Brand/Miracle Gro does not consistently state this information on their product's label. I choose to not use ANY Scotts or Miracle Gro products because their potting mix's can contain peanuts and I will not support a brand that does not offer full transparency with what is in their products. I will not use their soil, fertilizers, sprays, any of their products. I have added Scotts Brand/ Miracle Gro to my Not OK Peanuts in Facility List.
Thank you for contacting Sun Gro® Horticulture, the manufacturer of SunShine®, SunShine Advanced®, Fafard®, Proven Winners® Soils & Plant Foods and Black Gold®.
We stopped using any nut or nut by-products in all of our brands in 2017. Our products are safe to use related to nut allergies. We always suggest you read and follow the label on any product you may use.
Note that Sun Gro manufacturers many safe potting soils and pant foods for a variety of brands. I have added Sun Gro to my No Peanuts List.
The following brands have not responded to me
These brands are on my Not OK Peanuts in Facility List:
Peanuts really are found in anything. I have now learned that the long list of products that I need to be careful of includes potting soil, plant foods, fertilizers and a variety of gardening products. Always, always, read the product's label, no matter what it is. If you are not sure contact the brand directly. It is always better to be cautious, and stay safe.
On this post I am sharing what I have discovered. Ingredients, and formulations, can and do change. Always refer to the product label directly, and double check it every time to make sure it is safe and that there have not been any changes made to the product. Once again when you are not sure if something is safe, skip it, it is never worth the risk.
I will continue to update this post along with my lists on www.NoPeanutFoods.com as I hear back from more brands.